Alhambra 9P 7/8 Guitare Classique

ref. 848 - Alhambra

L'Alhambra 9P 7/8 ou S 9P d'Alhambra Guitars est dotée d'un barrage croisé en forme de pont qui confère à la table un volume et une projection maximums. Mais la richesse du son n'est pas la seule qualité de cette guitare : L'action est également superbe - elle est suffisamment élevée pour faire chanter la guitare, tout en étant extrêmement confortable. La projection du son est parfaite : les basses, les médiums et les aigus sont parfaitement équilibrés. Tel un chef d'orchestre, vous avez le contrôle total et pouvez accentuer sans effort la voix que vous souhaitez. Les seules limites de cet instrument sont celles de votre imagination Housse guitare Alhambra inclus. Etui guitare 7/8 Alhambra 9562 en option.


1 338,10 € 1 486,78 €

Frais de port
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Fabriqué en Espagne

Fabriqué à la main

Contrôle de qualité

L'Alhambra 9P 7/8 ou S 9P d'Alhambra Guitars est dotée d'un barrage croisé en forme de pont qui confère à la table un volume et une projection maximums. Mais la richesse du son n'est pas la seule qualité de cette guitare : L'action est également superbe - elle est suffisamment élevée pour faire chanter la guitare, tout en étant extrêmement confortable. La projection du son est parfaite : les basses, les médiums et les aigus sont parfaitement équilibrés. Tel un chef d'orchestre, vous avez le contrôle total et pouvez accentuer sans effort la voix que vous souhaitez. Les seules limites de cet instrument sont celles de votre imagination Housse guitare Alhambra inclus. Etui guitare 7/8 Alhambra 9562 en option.

Fiche technique:

  • TABLE / QUALITÉ: Cèdre Massif / AA+
  • FOND ET ÉCLISSES: Palissandre d'Inde Massif
  • MANCHE: Cèdre renforcé avec ébène
  • TOUCHE: Ébène
  • MÉCANIQUES D'ACCORDAGE: De luxe plaqué-or 
  • CORDES: D'Addario EXP44 Extra High Tension
  • FINITION: Laque nitrocellulosique sur la table
  • Contreventement: Pont
  • Construction artisanale


Hello and thank you very much for keeping me updated. It was very useful to be able to track and be at home for delivery.
The guitar arrived today in perfect condition. It sounds and looks beautiful, and it is a big step up from my first guitar(s). I also noticed immediately how comfortable it feels to play it. It’s going to be very hard to go back to work today and tomorrow...
Maybe one day not far from now I will contact you again because I would love to also have a well made spruce guitar (my current one is very entry level), but first I want to develop a relationship with this one and, of course, save some money! :)
Gracias & Happy holidays! 
And oh, it smells lovely, too! It also seems to be very effective at putting my dog to sleep... :)))
Ioana - Romania  

Dear Manuel,

This note is a bit overdue, but I hope you will excuse the delay. The Alhambra 9P guitar arrived several weeks ago in perfect condition and more quickly than I would have thought possible. The artisans at Alhambra did a magnificent job on the fret markers and of course on the instrument as a whole. It took me a while to find her voice but I think the wood and the strings are just now beginning to settle in, with tones emerging in a whole new spectrum to explore. I am hearing a richly balanced and mellow sound which can be coaxed into brighter, singing tones with practice and skill. I am truly impressed once again with the craftsmanship of the Spanish guitar makers!

The smaller scale and neck width of the Señorita model are just starting to feel more familiar. It has taken some adjustment but after these few weeks I am noticing more room for expression and fewer notes just out of reach in those difficult passages. Though I have not become overnight the expert and flawless player that I was hoping for Emoji, I have gotten over that initial disappointment and settled for more incremental progress and a slight expansion of my capabilities, with a much better fit for my small and aging hands!

Thank you for all your assistance with this, for the quick answers to my questions and lightning fast delivery! I will restate what I hope is obvious, that I am very happy with this instrument and this purchase. New York City, for all it has to offer, has few shops that deal in quality student level classical guitars, and I appreciate your presence online as a service to the international community.

With Kind Regards,

Sarah - USA 


Dimensions Alhambra 9P


Détails du produit

Dos et éclisses
palissandre - dalbergia latifolia
ébène - diospyros ebenum
Table massif - laminé
fond et éclisses massif - laminé
Renforcement du manche
Bande interne d'ébène

Références spécifiques
